viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


There are going to be times in life that even though we try and work hard we are not going to be able to achieve that desired goal and not because we haven’t given all but because unfortunately we live in a corrupt world full of favoritism, and many times what happen is that the person who has worked less is the one that takes everything and the one who has given all isn’t even remembered. When this happen to us, at the beginning we may think that the world is against us and feel bad because is something that we fight for and that we desire, however when time passes by, after happening this to me a several times I started thinking and said to myself that if this happens to me there has to be a reason why and I still believe it. I think that everything happens for a reason and maybe that goal or destiny that we desired wasn’t the best for us, instead of being depress we need to think that if this happens is because we are going to find something much better, another chance. The persons that have the same goals as us and they achieve them first, are going to have success but we don´t have to hate them we just need to let the time pass by and we can finally appreciate that in the end we have the best, because it was you that work hard since the beginning and this will bring you good things to your life besides if you don´t have success in one place you got the rest of the world to try, it´s just about trying.
Another obstacle that we may find in the way of success is that someone or something keep us apart from it, what I refer to is for example one person doesn´t let you do the things you want or like, or maybe you can´t practice your favorite sport because of your health. In life we will find a lot of obstacles like these ones that I just mentioned and for me are the most difficult because we don´t choose them and they can´t disappear from one day to another. However there is something that we can still do, if a person is stopping you in your path of success, just ignored him or her and show them that you can make it of course without hurting anyone, or maybe you wanted the support of that special person but you didn´t get it, you don´t have to let that persons tear you down, come on you need to fight, win, beat and demonstrate to the world who you are and what you can do.
Everyone has a special ability, something we like and we are passionate for, everyone has virtues and we are all intelligent is just that each one has his or her own intelligence in different areas, some may have their intelligence at the academic area, others at sports, others at art, no matter what area we are intelligent and we have to use that intelligence to help us in the way of success.
I assure you that there are lots of ways to achieve success, if one of them doesn´t work, do not leave your goals, try another way, so in that way you will learn how not to do it and you can gain experience about the way you need to follow for reaching your dreams. One example is that when the light bulb was created many attempts were made, let´s imagine a hundred (I´m not really sure) and it wasn´t until the hundred attempt when he finally made it and it is because the person who create it persevered and learned another 99 ways of how not to do it, so what he did was that he reduced the possibilities until he reach one that was the correct one.
And when we can´t reach our goals not because we don´t want to but because we aren´t able to change the situation, and you are completely sure that you can´t reach your goal with any other way, I ask you to look for others things you like, if you can´t achieve one goal for health reasons, saying as an example, try to create a lot of new things. There are a lot of activities that I assure you had never tried and probably you can like one of them and now you can have new goals based in that new activity. Remember we have a lot of possibilities, as there is no obstacle that can stop us for reaching success, everything is in finding the correct way of doing it, don´t ever give up and if you failed don´t be discouraged because you learn more than you can learn from success, so keep moving forward, remove all the obstacles from your way and start now. “Success only occurs when dreams are bigger than excuses”

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