jueves, 17 de julio de 2014


You know what fear really means? Well, FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real. We may experience fear to those things that are unknown for us, those who are new and we had never tried, we can be afraid of the darkness because we don’t know what is happening around us. There are lots of different types of fear and each one of them is acceptable, however there are a very significant number of them that we should not have.
The first one is the fear to death, they say that those who are afraid to death are afraid of life and that is true, every second that passes we are exposed to death, either by a natural disaster, disease or murder, in the end there are many ways. So if you’re scared to death you will never enjoy your life because every second you are exposed to it. We need to understand that is a necessary process for life, for concluding it, everything has an ending, but we can’t decide how fast or slow it comes. We can’t avoid or prevent death, only in certain cases like accidents, but what I think most important is that every day we need to live it with intensity as if it were the last day of our life because in that way we can approach even more the day and if it really is our last day on Earth well it was approach as the others.
Another fear we have is the fear of what will happen tomorrow or the future, that uncertainty of not knowing what will happen, if it is going to be good or not, if it’s going to change your life or not. And it can be one of the most frustrating fears, I felt it once and it was horrible, because it exhausted me not only emotionally but physically by the stress of not knowing what will happen, until I learn that we need to live in the present and enjoy it and stop worrying about tomorrow, it’s simple, the past is history that can’t be modified, you can remembered it however you can’t change it and the future doesn’t exist yet, you can’t know what will happen but the actions that you do today are the ones that will determine your future.  So just live day by day, if we only think about the future we will not live the present and we are not going to be able to transform it and if we only think about the past we are going to be attached to things that are impossible to change and we are not going to be able to enjoy the present and have a successful future. Remember the actions that you do today can not only determine your future, but they can improve it.
And the last one is the fear of leaving the comfort zone because we are afraid of failure, here we are talking about two different fears, the first one is the fear of failure. I don’t know a single person who has succeeded without having failed before, failure is necessary for reaching success because if you think that there are only two options: failure and success; since there you are failing, you learn from failure as well as you experience. When we fail we realize that we are not perfect and we are not going to, first we need to understand that life isn’t like school that you first learn the lesson and then you are tested, in life you are tested first and then you learn the lesson.

We need to leave our comfort zone and stop worrying about what others say or think about us and do what we love doing, go to that place we dream of, break the rules, and have no routines only then we can reach success because you need to go for it, as they say: “Good things happen to those who wait for them and amazing things happen to those who go for them” So if you really want to be successful stop having fear and go to that place you always wanted to go, get that job you always dream of, do what you want but if you want to success you need to be conscious that you are going to fail at the beginning and then you will learn and we need to have risks because we can have amazing chances, you have no idea of what can happen, maybe it can be the best experience in your whole life, you need to take that step forward to the unknown things and you may be hurt in the journey but you are going to find the way to get out like a god. Live, enjoy and stop worrying, if you want to success you need to risk, left behind things that stop you and be positive. There is nothing better than trying because some how you are going to make it.

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