martes, 8 de julio de 2014

Making choices

Each one of us has his/her own life and decides how to live it, but there are times when circumstances overtake us and our life is no longer the same. It really never stops being our life is just that it has changed, most of the times that changes come by making bad decisions, and it is okay to make bad decisions I mean we are human beings and we make mistakes, however there are some decisions that we can avoid. For example, what others think about us, most of the times we are affected by bad comments and this happens because we choose this to happen and we don´t know that all of this will remain in our subconscious mind and now every time we hear a bad comment our mind will make us feel bad.
The mind is powerful and everything we think will remain in it, if you believe that you can do everything, you will do it eventually and if you think you can´t, your mind will take that as true and you will not be able to do it. So we can choose to fill in our mind with good thoughts and forget bad comments, I know it`s difficult but if we really want it to happen we are going to make it, ultimately is our life nothing bad will happen to others if you quit or if you have success they will only feel jealous or in an extreme case happiness; however it only affect ourselves because if you quit is forever, you can`t regret but if you keep moving forward the reward at the end will bring you good things and you can share them with others.
Another decision is to learn to say good things to ourselves, nobody force us to think bad things about us only ourselves. We can choose to say good things to us, when we success at something celebrate ourselves and when we fail encourage us to continue on the road. One thing also important is to put ourselves first without being selfish because is necessary to put our needs first, for example if you want to have success and you don´t care about the things you are missing to success what will happen is that you are going to help others to reach their dreams and that is not bad, however the success isn´t yours.

Today is your moment to decide, take a time for you and put in mind good thoughts, choose whom you want to be with, the one that appreciates and helps you, stay away from the persons that hold you back, choose what you want and go for it, do the things you love and the most important start loving yourself. Remember this only happens if you decide it to.  

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