sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Our passion

Today I was talking to a friend and I realize something. Has ever happened to you that you love something but is not your strength? That no matter how hard you work you can´t do it as well as others? Well the first thing I feel is frustration, sadness and angriness later I give up and don´t try it anymore, but today due to that friend I understand that we need to find what we are good at and it can be related to what you love, not exactly the same but something close to it. Sometimes we thought we have found our passion but it isn´t, I mean, at the beginning we think we love something but after a while we don´t love it anymore, which means that is not your real passion. In life we are going to find a lot of things that we are passionate about however just one can be real, is the best and the one we love and we can considered it as a strength. So if one day you think you have found your passion and suddenly you realize that is isn´t, don´t get disappointed, try and prove others and you will find your strength, something you like and you are good at and little by little you will start closing doors that we have in front of us to see what we like and passionate us.
Something very important is not to pay attention to bad comments people make unless they come from our family, because most of the times what others say is just to make us feel bad and we can´t succeed, our family instead wants the best for us and most of the times they will give the most honest opinion. When we learn not to pay attention to  what others say and believe in ourselves is when we can start living for real, find what we love and be successful.“They say, seeing is believing  then go to a mirror, stand in front of it and start believing in you”

Remember one last thing don´t be what others want you to be because you will never please anyone, if you love soccer, practice it; if you love singing, sing; if you love dancing, dance; if you love acting, act; if you want to succeed, do it. The only thing that keeps you out of your goal are the negative thoughts of yourself, you are your worst enemy, stop being it and do what you want, do what makes you happy, it doesn´t matter if for someone is bad, if you don´t hurt anyone you can do what you want. Now stop doing what you are doing and meditate for a while what is your passion, what makes you happy, who are you, what you want to do and try to do everyday an effort for reaching your goal, don´t let anyone or anything stop you, you have the power you are just missing to use it and improve it. Live your life, don´t stop because of the others and your main goal should be happiness. Because if you don´t live your life and chase your dreams who would do it?

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