sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Make some noise

Did you ever feel so bad that your enthusiasm went away? I think that everyone has passed through this situation in some moment of our life but what we should do is to meditate and ask ourselves: does this situation really affect me? Is this important? Once we have thought these we have to get in our head that not always we can be happy and not always we are going to have what we want, life is like that and the only thing we can do is learn to live our life happy even though we make mistakes and have bad moments because that is what life is about, we live good, sad and bad moments and experience failing and angriness. “Happiness has no cost” is very common to hear this phrase, however many times we don´t know the real meaning of it, this means that happiness is always there, it never disappears we are the ones that don´t want to feel it but if someone wishes to be happy he or she will be happy because happiness is an emotion that we decide when to feel it, I know sometimes circumstances won´t allow us to feel that is there although it stills being there. We need to understand that every minute that we spend being angry or sad is a minute of happiness that we lose.
If something annoys you say it, nothing worse can happen than keeping it for yourself. Never stay silent in front of any situation, the result can bring you happiness instead of that bad moment that you suffer when you stay silent. It’s better to say what you feel, how you feel even though nobody answer you, I promise that someone already listen to you, something has change is the others mind. You can do big changes if you say what you think, don´t wait for everyone to change if you don´t change first and that change only comes when you make noise, when you scream to the world what you think, you don´t know if something good can happen, you can do incredible stuff, just SAY WHAT YOU FEEL.

With little actions you can do incredible things and don´t let anyone let you down, the day is yours don´t be disappointed. Be always positive, fight for what you want and every time you are disappointed just think about all the incredible things you can do and don´t live hating your life; life is too short for lamenting. Speak, say what you feel, what you don´t like, try to change but no matter what happens don´t stay silent!

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