sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Our passion

Today I was talking to a friend and I realize something. Has ever happened to you that you love something but is not your strength? That no matter how hard you work you can´t do it as well as others? Well the first thing I feel is frustration, sadness and angriness later I give up and don´t try it anymore, but today due to that friend I understand that we need to find what we are good at and it can be related to what you love, not exactly the same but something close to it. Sometimes we thought we have found our passion but it isn´t, I mean, at the beginning we think we love something but after a while we don´t love it anymore, which means that is not your real passion. In life we are going to find a lot of things that we are passionate about however just one can be real, is the best and the one we love and we can considered it as a strength. So if one day you think you have found your passion and suddenly you realize that is isn´t, don´t get disappointed, try and prove others and you will find your strength, something you like and you are good at and little by little you will start closing doors that we have in front of us to see what we like and passionate us.
Something very important is not to pay attention to bad comments people make unless they come from our family, because most of the times what others say is just to make us feel bad and we can´t succeed, our family instead wants the best for us and most of the times they will give the most honest opinion. When we learn not to pay attention to  what others say and believe in ourselves is when we can start living for real, find what we love and be successful.“They say, seeing is believing  then go to a mirror, stand in front of it and start believing in you”

Remember one last thing don´t be what others want you to be because you will never please anyone, if you love soccer, practice it; if you love singing, sing; if you love dancing, dance; if you love acting, act; if you want to succeed, do it. The only thing that keeps you out of your goal are the negative thoughts of yourself, you are your worst enemy, stop being it and do what you want, do what makes you happy, it doesn´t matter if for someone is bad, if you don´t hurt anyone you can do what you want. Now stop doing what you are doing and meditate for a while what is your passion, what makes you happy, who are you, what you want to do and try to do everyday an effort for reaching your goal, don´t let anyone or anything stop you, you have the power you are just missing to use it and improve it. Live your life, don´t stop because of the others and your main goal should be happiness. Because if you don´t live your life and chase your dreams who would do it?

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Make some noise

Did you ever feel so bad that your enthusiasm went away? I think that everyone has passed through this situation in some moment of our life but what we should do is to meditate and ask ourselves: does this situation really affect me? Is this important? Once we have thought these we have to get in our head that not always we can be happy and not always we are going to have what we want, life is like that and the only thing we can do is learn to live our life happy even though we make mistakes and have bad moments because that is what life is about, we live good, sad and bad moments and experience failing and angriness. “Happiness has no cost” is very common to hear this phrase, however many times we don´t know the real meaning of it, this means that happiness is always there, it never disappears we are the ones that don´t want to feel it but if someone wishes to be happy he or she will be happy because happiness is an emotion that we decide when to feel it, I know sometimes circumstances won´t allow us to feel that is there although it stills being there. We need to understand that every minute that we spend being angry or sad is a minute of happiness that we lose.
If something annoys you say it, nothing worse can happen than keeping it for yourself. Never stay silent in front of any situation, the result can bring you happiness instead of that bad moment that you suffer when you stay silent. It’s better to say what you feel, how you feel even though nobody answer you, I promise that someone already listen to you, something has change is the others mind. You can do big changes if you say what you think, don´t wait for everyone to change if you don´t change first and that change only comes when you make noise, when you scream to the world what you think, you don´t know if something good can happen, you can do incredible stuff, just SAY WHAT YOU FEEL.

With little actions you can do incredible things and don´t let anyone let you down, the day is yours don´t be disappointed. Be always positive, fight for what you want and every time you are disappointed just think about all the incredible things you can do and don´t live hating your life; life is too short for lamenting. Speak, say what you feel, what you don´t like, try to change but no matter what happens don´t stay silent!

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Different directions

When we are little kids we think we can do everything and when we grew up we are going to have everything, our mind thinks that everything can be done and we can have all and that life is like we saw it in the movies, it starts well then a problem appears but finally the problem fix and now everything is well once again.  However that is the mind of a little kid and I think that is the most beautiful stage where we discover the world and learn a lot of different things, we start walking and finally we learn maths, it´s a stage that is full of new experiences where failing is okey, the only thing that can happen is a punishment from our parents that in a few minutes we forgot it and everything is calm once again. This stage is when you discover the world and how amazing it is and we realize that we are just little ants that are missing to discover a lot of things.
Suddenly the adolescence comes, this stage where we are nothing, we aren´t adults but we aren´t kids, is like a sandwich where we are in the middle but we are covered by both parts, the one of the top and the one of the bottom and that if they are not removed we can´t see clearly what is in the middle part. They say that adolescence is a beautiful stage where we have to enjoy everything because when it passes we can´t be children again, that is real but what happens when you are different from the others? When you don´t like drinking or smoking, when you still want to be a kid and don´t want  to grow up faster, when you don´t want  to leave your home to be an adult, while being a girl you don´t like bows ,dresses, skirts or make up because you panic (not because you don´t like it but because you feel that you are growing up and becoming a woman), when you don´t like trending, when you hate ordinary stuff, when you daydream all the time about what you want to be, when you aren´t ashamed of your parents, when you still want to play with your brother, when you still have the mind of a kid but at the same time you are mature in some aspects, when you like school and you get good grades, when you don´t speak to much but you do it because you don´t like what others talk about, when you still like animated movies, when you are not interested of being all day long in the cell phone, when you only use the social networks a little because you prefer to learn something new, when you are intelligent and you love talking about life topics, when you hate criticizing and only seeing the non-important things, when you don´t care about the brand of the clothes you wear, when you see people with your heart not only with your eyes, when you have music preferences totally different form your friends, when you prefer to write and read instead of shopping , when your only concern is to be better every day, when you pay attention to your teachers, when is easier to talk with children or adults but not with teenagers, when you don´t love the most famous artists, when you don´t laugh of someone because you prefer to value him or her, when you don´t enjoy hurting other people, when you really listen to others even though they don´t listen to you, when you don´t judge, when you hate selfish people, when you always go in a different direction from others,. What happens when you are like these? Well you are rejected, everyone rejects you, just because you are different, they judge you and they think that you are bored and weird. Of course adults and children appreciate you but the teenagers specially the ones of your school they see you like that, like a roach that is different from them, because they want you to be like them. They want to influence you and attract you to their world and if you don´t do it you are rejected. It is always like this with someone different, but what a different person needs to do to be accepted? Of course that being different is cool because you feel you have something special that not everyone has; however sometimes you feel alone and would like to have a real and crazy friend to talk with like everyone has.
Nevertheless I heard that the important thing is to be a star person, you may ask what a star person is, well a star person is that person that you will always see in the sky shining, the one who see the people with the heart not only with the eyes, the one that always helps the others without receiving something back, the one that doesn´t like to always have attention, the one that trough little actions becomes someone important and that doesn´t lose its bright because of comet people, namely, that people that only shine a few moments, we saw them pass in our life briefly that after a few years you forgot, meanwhile the star persons leave a mark  on you in some way.
So I realize that being different from the others can transform you in a star person making little actions that help others and that makes you to be recognized for something real not just for a moment, that is what I called the purpose of life, to leave a mark on people no matter your differences. Like Bob Marley said: 
“Don´t live to make your presence known, but that your absence feels.”