domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

You are not going to tell me that I can´t

Well, in fist place I want to apologize for not writing since a long time, so in reward I`m writing this article only in english for you, and please wait to see more of my articles in english.
I imagine that all of us have at least a dream, and it`s our dream. The dreams we have are the ones that make us who we are, yes that`s right. Think, what is yor dream? What makes you feel happy? Are you doing something to reach it or are you just willing to reach it? You need to take ACTION, you need to believe that you can, and please hear me NOBODY IS GOING TO TELL THAT YOU CAN`T, it doesn`t matter if its your family or friends, its your dream and you need to protect it until you reach it. Even if you have failed a thousand times you are to get back up, I don`t care if you have failed or not, do anything that its needed to reach your dream. Maybe nobody believes in you, but guess what, the others don`t mean anything for your dream. Going alone in the path of success, it will sound strange or you make feel loneliness, but trust me it`s the best way for reaching it. We need to believe in ourselves because if we don`t do it, who will do it, anyone.
If you need to give up sleeping, going to parties, having free time, just do it, if not you are going to regret for the rest of your life.
Don`t ever think you can`t achieve what you want, you need to discover what is within you, you have power, strength and intelligence, don`t let fools tear you down. If we couldn`t achieve dreams they won`t exist as simple as that, you need to work hard and feel pain, "pain may last for a minute, an hour, a day or even a year but life is not about how hard you can get hit, is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"
You are the one that decide what is happening in your life, you CAN, you just have to believe and have faith until you reach it.